[LINK] beware Quechup

Scott Howard scott at doc.net.au
Sun Sep 2 12:37:23 AEST 2007

On Sun, Sep 02, 2007 at 12:19:43PM +1000, Rick Welykochy wrote:
> >There is a warning making the rounds about a 'new' 'social network' 
> >called Quechup. Once one signs up, it accesses your address book and 
> >sends invitations to all those parties under your name. And there is 
> >word that one can't cancel membership.
> >Here's a blog article about it and other social networks: 
> >http://www.twistimage.com/blog/archives/009800.html
> Sounds like bollocks to me.

10 seconds on Google would have shown you otherwise.
(http://blogsearch.google.com/blogsearch?q=quechup would be a good start)

As with many social networking sites, Quechup allows you to import your
address books during registration - especially from webmail services (eg,
enter your Gmail username/password and we'll import your contacts). There
is nothing wrong with it doing this - you've authorised it by giving it
the relevant details.

The problem with Quechup is that they then proceed to spam all of your
contacts - from you - with an email suggesting that they join up as well.
This is done without your knowledge or approval.

Yes, you could blame the user for giving out their username/password
details (and thus, their address book), but that's still no excuse for
what Quechup has done.  As Jan said, "beware Quechup".


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