[LINK] Storm Worm Botnet More Powerful Than Top Supercomputers

jim birch planetjim at gmail.com
Mon Sep 10 17:23:03 AEST 2007

Storm Worm Botnet More Powerful Than Top Supercomputers

The Storm worm botnet has grown so massive and far-reaching that it
easily overpowers the world's top supercomputers.

That's the latest word from security researchers who are tracking the
burgeoning network of Microsoft Windows machines that have been
compromised by the virulent Storm worm, which has pounded the Internet
non-stop for the past three months. Despite the wide ranging estimates
as to the size of the botnet, researchers tend to agree that it's one
of the largest zombie grids they've ever seen -- one capable of doing
great damage.

"In terms of power, [the botnet] utterly blows the supercomputers
away," said Matt Sergeant, chief anti-spam technologist with
MessageLabs, in an interview. "If you add up all 500 of the top
supercomputers, it blows them all away with just 2 million of its
machines. It's very frightening that criminals have access to that
much computing power, but there's not much we can do about it."


URL: http://www.informationweek.com/story/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=201804528

Maybe we can convince them to start forecasting the weather?

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