[LINK] Storm Worm Botnet More Powerful Than Top Supercomputers

Rick Welykochy rick at praxis.com.au
Tue Sep 11 10:41:48 AEST 2007

jim birch wrote:

> That's the latest word from security researchers who are tracking the
> burgeoning network of Microsoft Windows machines that have been
> compromised by the virulent Storm worm, which has pounded the Internet
> non-stop for the past three months. 

Simple solution: excise and thus isolate the carcinogenic operating system
from Internet.

We would do the same in any other area of endeavour, like health care,
education, child minding or food production.


Rick Welykochy || Praxis Services

Natural foods can be harmful. Look at all the
people who die of natural causes.
       -- anon

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