[LINK] Andrew Keene 'The Cult of the Amateur'

Adam Todd link at todd.inoz.com
Tue Sep 18 21:51:13 AEST 2007

At 07:21 PM 18/09/2007, Jan Whitaker wrote:
>Did any linkers see the New Hour on Tuesday where Andrew Keene 
>talked about his views on the Internet? I wasn't listening closely 
>until the end when he said one of the problems was the anonymous 
>participation on the net, and that that has contributed to incivility.

Gosh that sounds like The NSW State Government and it's instance that 
employees and contracts remain anonymous.

Has kinda lead to incivil behavior by Police and Child protection and others.

>I disagree. I think anonymity has its place. If one wants to say 
>something intentionally provocative without revealing one's 
>identity, shouldn't that be allowed?

No, because if you say something provocative and you have to be 
anonymous then not only are you weak, but what you are saying is 
probably useless.

Back it up with a name, a face and a contact and you have something 
that people can't argue.

>In times when governments are accusing people of 'thought crimes'

http://aussiejustice.inoz.com/  a perfect example.  Watch for updates 
shortly, seems the State is going to estop my compensation claims 
against them now!

Amazing that Government can DO things, DOCUMENT things and it can be 
broadcast on TV and then they say "nothing happened, go away."

Not only are the Thought Police on the case today, but the Ministry 
of Truth is running in over load trying to removed court records and 
transcript that conflict with events that happened and claims for damages.

How will we EVER trust a document, book or history record, in the 
future, or even of the past?

>when people disagree with the powerful, isn't anonymity a requirement,

No.  I don't belive so.

>similar to the publications in revolutionary times in the American colonies?

No, I think we are stronger as a community these days, if we want to 
be a community.

Look at the Declaration of Independence.  How did it come about?  The 
Citizens got sick of the Government and kicked them out.

Bout time we did the same in Aus I think.  Major lack of Prudence in Australia.

But it's OK, Prudence is coming out :)    (Glances at Eleanor and giggles)

>Yes, there are lunatics on the net and raging testosterone that 
>makes some online places unpalatable. So what?

Ignore them.  That's why anonymous sites are a waste of time.  If 
these people put their name and phone number on their postings, you 
can be assured the trash would vanish really fast.

>Isn't the solution for those who don't like those environments to 
>leave, just as one does when they encounter such things if they 
>don't like them in meat space?

Yep, it is.  But unmanaged rumor sites have a bad habit of being 
"believed" and if we allow citizens to be anonymous, then don't we 
also have to allow the Government and it's "paid manipulators" to be 
anonymous too?

Can you imagine the damage that could be done to society simply 
though anonymous government manipulation and rumor?

Joe Blogs murders a 4 year old.

Jane Smith is a pedophile.

Roger Rabbit has a dozen mental illnesses.

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