[LINK] Andrew Keene 'The Cult of the Amateur'

Janet Hawtin lucychili at gmail.com
Wed Sep 19 11:29:29 AEST 2007

On 9/19/07, David Goldstein <wavey_one at yahoo.com> wrote:
> The debate Andrew Keen has raised is a good one, and the anonymity
> afforded online causes all sorts of problems and I largely agree with
> Richard and Adam.
> Anonymity is great when people respect others, but they so often take it
> as a licence to abuse, make unsubstantiated and libellous claims. Even on
> sites such as news.com.au, the comments made using anonymous names is just
> astounding. Sites such as guardian.co.uk and timesonline.co.uk are better,
> but still sometimes frightening.
> It's possible this descent into ever more abusive commentary on all manner
> of sites including news sites will lead to ever more regulation (self or by
> government), if not only to stave off defamation proceedings.
> If it was just a case of "those who don't like those environments to
> leave", well, this would be fine. But what if it involves you personally in
> some way?
> I agree with Richard that using ones real identity does not end the
> problem, however it curtails it somewhat.
> David

In which case we need to be very explicit and proactive about what kinds of
our systems and law have to independent thinking speech and action

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