[LINK] Andrew Keene 'The Cult of the Amateur'

Janet Hawtin lucychili at gmail.com
Wed Sep 19 13:09:57 AEST 2007

On 9/19/07, Marghanita da Cruz <marghanita at ramin.com.au> wrote:
> >     So, how can we tell/does it matter whether David, Richard, Adam and
> >     Janet are
> >     one actor playing multiple roles?
> >
> > at first glance you cannot perhaps, but as a flow of conversation in
> > context it is likely to become more apparent? we disagree? we use
> > language differently?
> <snip>
> That is what makes good theatre.

As you wish. Hello from the borg mind.

So what are you interested in in terms of freedom, privacy and identity?
What are the pivot points for you?
What things make freedom stronger and what things make us less able to
What is authentic for you?


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