[LINK] RFI: Geolocation based on IP-Address

David Lochrin dlochrin at d2.net.au
Thu Sep 27 09:52:17 AEST 2007

On Thursday 27 September 2007 08:44, Roger Clarke wrote:
> I've finally made time to look at http://www.ip2location.com/free.asp.
> It gets me right, at the level of 'ACT' (except for "Net Speed: DIAL").
> I'm unclear how the service can narrow it to the ACT.  [...]

   I couldn't resist trying this!

   My ISP was "Dot Communications" until early July, when they "transferred" the business to APCS (Australian Power Control Systems).  However APCS provided wholesale ISP services until then, and I understand taking over Dot's business is their first retail enterprise.  The network itself is still known under it's old name as the 'D2' network and my email address is still .... at d2.net.au, but the IP addresses are owned by APCS.

   Dot was in Harris Street, Sydney.  APCS is in Queensland - the APNIC record for their subnet - shows the contact as level 21, 144 Edward Street, Brisbane.

   I'm located in the Southern Highlands, about 100Km south of Sydney.

   However ip2location gave my details as follows:

country:	Australia
region:	Northern Territory
city:	Tennant Creek
isp:	Dot Communications

   I'm not sure what to make of that.


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