[LINK] RFI: Geolocation based on IP-Address

Ivan Trundle ivan at itrundle.com
Thu Sep 27 10:06:05 AEST 2007

On 27/09/2007, at 10:00 AM, Stilgherrian wrote:

> On 27/9/07 9:52 AM, "David Lochrin" <dlochrin at d2.net.au> wrote:
>> [snip] Dot was in Harris Street, Sydney.  APCS is in Queensland -  
>> the APNIC
> record
>> for their subnet - shows the contact  
>> as level 21,
>> 144 Edward Street, Brisbane.
>>    I'm located in the Southern Highlands, about 100Km south of  
>> Sydney.
>>    However ip2location gave my details as follows:
>> country: Australia
>> region: Northern Territory
>> city: Tennant Creek
>> isp: Dot Communications
>>    I'm not sure what to make of that.
> I think these databases aren't very good.
> My current IP address is accurate in the site quoted, People Telecom /
> Swiftel in Sydney. But in another I checked earlier in the week had  
> me at
> Menai, some distance to the south.
> A few years back (yes, old news) when on an Optus link, I was shown  
> as in
> Singapore 'cos it's Singtel Optus. Big oops.
And I'm listed as being somewhere in Sydney, which is a long way from  
Canberra (thankfully).

I suspect that more sophisticated databases exist for people who  
match services with access (porn sites? spooks?) on a professional  
basis, but ip2location obviously isn't one of these.


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