[LINK] The Third International TeNe Conference (2 Weeks for Submission Deadline)

Antony Barry tony at tony-barry.emu.id.au
Thu Sep 27 18:05:27 AEST 2007

Begin forwarded message:

> From: "TENE 2007 Online E-Conference" <cisse at cisse2007online.org>
> Date: 26 September 2007 5:28:18 AM
> To: link at anu.edu.au
> Subject: The Third International TeNe Conference (2 Weeks for  
> Submission Deadline)
> Dear Colleagues,
> If you received this email in error, please forward it to the  
> appropriate
> department at your institution.  Please do not reply to this  
> message. If
> you need to contact us please email us at info at cisse2007online.org
> ************************************************************
> *          The Third International Conference  on          *
> *             Telecommunications and Networking            *
> *                                                          *
> *                        (TeNe 2007)                       *
> *                                                          *
> *              http://www.cisse2007online.org              *
> *                                                          *
> *                                                          *
> *                   December 3 - 12, 2007                  *
> ************************************************************
> Technically Co-Sponsored by:
> Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
> University of Bridgeport
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> TeNe 2007 provides a virtual forum for presentation and discussion  
> of the
> state-of the-art research on Telecommunications and Networking.  
> TeNe 2007
> is one of the sub-confernces in the CISSE series of international  
> joint
> e-conferences. CISSE is the World's first Engineering / Computing and
> Systems Research E-Conference. CISSE 2005 was the first high-caliber
> Research Conference in the world to be completely conducted online in
> real-time via the internet. CISSE 2005 received 255 research paper
> submissions and the final program included 140 accepted papers,  
> from more
> than 45 countries. CISSE 2006 received 691 research paper  
> submissions and
> the final program included 390 accepted papers, from more than 70
> countries.
> The virtual conference will be conducted through the Internet using
> web-conferencing tools, made available by the conference. Authors  
> will be
> presenting their PowerPoint, audio or video presentations using
> web-conferencing tools without the need for travel. Conference  
> sessions
> will be broadcast to all the conference participants, where session
> participants can interact with the presenter during the  
> presentation and
> (or) during the Q&A slot that follows the presentation. This  
> international
> conference will be held entirely on-line. The accepted and  
> presented papers
> will be made available and sent to the authors after the conference  
> both on
> a DVD (including all papers, powerpoint presentations and audio
> presentations) and as a book publication. Springer, the official  
> publisher
> for CISSE, published the 2005 proceedings in 2 books and the CISSE  
> 2006
> proceedings in four books.
> Conference participants - authors, presenters and attendees - only  
> need an
> internet connection and sound available on their computers in order  
> to be
> able to contribute and participate in this international ground- 
> breaking
> conference. The on-line structure of this high-quality event will  
> allow
> academic professionals and industry participants to contribute  
> their work
> and attend world-class technical presentations based on rigorously  
> refereed
> submissions, live, without the need for investing significant  
> travel funds
> or time out of the office.
> The concept and format of CISSE is very exciting and ground- 
> breaking. The
> PowerPoint presentations, final paper manuscripts and time schedule  
> for
> live presentations over the web had been available for weeks prior  
> to the
> start of the conference for all registrants, so that the  
> participants can
> choose the presentations they want to attend and think about  
> questions that
> they might want to ask. The live audio presentations were also  
> recorded and
> are part of the permanent CISSE on-line archive - accessible to all
> registrants- which also includes all the papers, PowerPoint and audio
> presentations.
> Potential non-author conference attendees who cannot make the on-line
> conference dates are encouraged to register, as the entire joint
> conferences will be archived for future viewing.
> The CISSE conference audio room provides superb audio even over low  
> speed
> internet connections, the ability to display PowerPoint  
> presentations, and
> cross-platform compatibility (the conferencing software runs on  
> Windows,
> Mac, and any other operating system that supports Java). In  
> addition, the
> conferencing system allowed for an unlimited number of  
> participants, which
> in turn granted us the opportunity to allow all CISSE participants to
> attend all presentations, as opposed to limiting the number of  
> available
> seats for each session.
> Prospective authors are invited to submit full papers  
> electronically in
> Microsoft Word format through the website of the conference at
> http://www.cisse2007online.org.
> Accepted papers must be presented in the virtual conference by one  
> of the
> authors. To submit your paper, visit http://www.cisse2007online.org
> The topics covered by the Third International Conference on
> Telecommunications and Networking (TeNe 07) include but are not  
> limited to
> the following:
> Topics: Optical Networks and Switching, Computer Networks, Network
> architectures and Equipment, Access Technologies, Telecommunication
> Technology, Coding and Modulation technique, Modeling and Simulation,
> Spread Spectrum and CDMA Systems, OFDM technology, Space-time  
> Coding, Ultra
> Wideband Communications, Medium Access Control, Spread Spectrum,  
> Wireless
> LAN:  IEEE 802.11, HIPERLAN, Bluetooth, Cellular Wireless Networks,
> Cordless Systems and Wireless Local Loop, Mobile Network Layer, Mobile
> Transport Layer, Support for Mobility, Conventional Encryption and  
> Message
> Confidentiality, Block Ciphers Design Principles, Block Ciphers  
> Modes of
> Operation,  Public-Key Cryptography and Message Authentication,
> Authentication Application,  Stenography, Electronic Mail Security,  
> Web
> Security,  IP Security,  Firewalls, Computer Forensics.
> Paper Submission
> =================
> Prospective authors are invited to submit full papers  
> electronically in
> Microsoft Word format through the website of the conference at
> http://www.cisse2007online.org.
> Accepted papers must be presented in the virtual conference by one  
> of the
> authors. To submit your paper, visit http://www.cisse2007online.org
> Paper submission Deadline:          October 5th, 2007
> Notification of Acceptance:         November 2nd, 2007
> Final Manuscript and Registration:  November 23rd, 2007
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> ----
> Prof. Ausif Mahmood, Ph.D.
> TENE 2007 Technical Program Chair
> University of Bridgeport                  e-mail:  
> info at cisse2007online.org
> Bridgeport, CT 06604, U.S.A.                http:// 
> www.cisse2007online.org
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> ----
> Click here on http://server1.streamsend.com/streamsend/ 
> unsubscribe.php?cd=3326&md=27&ud=5c89b06b46d8dde7238deec25ed5cc0e  
> <http://server1.streamsend.com/streamsend/unsubscribe.php? 
> cd=3326&md=27&ud=5c89b06b46d8dde7238deec25ed5cc0e> to update your  
> profile or Unsubscribe

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