[LINK] eBay Security Advice

Rick Welykochy rick at praxis.com.au
Fri Sep 28 09:44:19 AEST 2007

Ivan Trundle wrote:

> "According to surveys by online marketing companies, the vast majority 
> of Internet users can access HTML mail, and a smaller number, though 
> still the majority, prefer it over plain text..."

BY default, all Mozilla email products have HTML email enabled for
sending and receiving. And I have never been able to turn off HTML

I assume that the Mozilla developers are cluey and know that HTML email
is evil, so I must conclude that they are bowing to market pressure
by leaving HTML turned on be default in their email products.

What is good for the marketplace is not necessarily good for the
individual or society.

> I'll let everyone draw their own conclusions from this statement. For 
> more fun, try googling 'html mail evil' in your spare time.

18,400,000 hits!


Rick Welykochy || Praxis Services

A terrorist is someone who has a bomb but can't afford an air force.
      -- William Blum

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