[LINK] eBay Security Advice

Rick Welykochy rick at praxis.com.au
Fri Sep 28 18:42:50 AEST 2007

Geoff Muldoon wrote:

> HTML is just text, so it's really a matter of rendering the view, rather
> than receiving the content.
> In Thunderbird (standalone):
> View -> Message Body As -> Plain text

Holy crikies.com! I've never noticed that in the View menu. Prolly
been there since day dot.

Thanks heaps .. works a treat.

That leaves me to ponder why the developers / designers did not think
of putting this into the application Preferences.


Rick Welykochy || Praxis Services

Q: What's the difference between a software sales person and a car sales person?
A: With a car sales person there is a slight chance that he actually knows how to drive.

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