[LINK] Ausweb Conference Update

Antony Barry antonybbarry at gmail.com
Wed Apr 2 12:09:29 AEDT 2008

Begin forwarded message:
> From: "AusWeb" <ausweb at scu.edu.au>
> Date: 1 April 2008 5:30:01 PM
> To: <tony at tony-barry.emu.id.au>
> Subject: Conference Update Volume 14, Issue 8 (last issue for 08)
> Reply-To: ausweb at scu.edu.au
> Conference Update
> Volume 14, Issue 8 (last issue for 08)
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> -----------
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> -----------
> 1. Safe travel to this years delegates
> 2. Final Program now online
> 3. If you are not attending as a delegate join us online
> 4. Registration still open
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> 1. Safe travel to this years delegates
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> We look forward to meeting those delegates attending this years  
> conference and we wish you safe travel to Ballina. For any urgent  
> issues during the 5 days of the conference our mobile number is  
> 0400 195 228 and the Ballina Beach Resort's number is (02) 66 868888
> 2. Final Program now online
> -----------------------------------------------
> You can view the final program for AusWeb08 at http:// 
> www.ausweb.scu.edu.au/aw08/conf/program.html
> it includes links to the papers and posters that were accepted and  
> are being presented.
> 3. If you are not attending as a delegate... join us online
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> -----------------
> The theme of this years conference is "Reflecting on the  
> Past:Anticipating the Future". During the Monday 7th April  
> afternoon plenary time slot 2.30 to 3.30pm we will have a joint  
> session for conference delegates AND any interested subscribers to  
> our ausweb-l list (there are over 1000 of you!). The focus will be  
> "The Future of the Web". You are invited to contribute to the  
> discussion by making a short prediction about the future of the Web  
> (its likely impact on education, business or society in general) or  
> pose a question about an issue that could have an impact on the  
> future of the Web (eg. some aspect possible technical development).
> We will use Elluminate Live! (http://www.elluminate.com/) to bring  
> those not attending the conference f2f into the plenary at the  
> Ballina Beach Resort. If you are not already an Elluminate user we  
> have set up a site where you can configure your computer and check  
> out a placeholder page BEFORE the session.
> Go to http://www.scu.edu.au/flds/index.php/62/
> From 2.00pm onwards on Monday 7th April Troy Klep from Yellow Edge  
> (http://www.yellowedge.com.au/) and Steve Rowe from SCU will be  
> available to greet you from 2pm onward when you go to http:// 
> elm.elluminate.com:80/HOSTEDSCU/join_meeting.html? 
> meetingId=1205115531141
> While you can join or leave the session at any time, and you can  
> contribute or just listen in, please try to join before 2.30pm so  
> that you will hear the introduction to the session. This is the  
> first time we have used the technology to enhance a national  
> conference. Be prepared to share your views on "the Future of the  
> Web" and make this session as success.
> 3. Registration still open
> --------------------------------------
> A reminder that registrations will be taken up until Friday 4th  
> April. The main AusWeb package rates include: Conference  
> Registration, 2 nights accommodation (Sunday and Monday) as well as  
> all meals from arrival lunch Sunday 6th April to afternoon tea  
> Tuesday 8th April.
> Full on line secure registration is available at https:// 
> www.scupayments.com/conf/aw08/
> There is also availability in the pre conference workshop and  
> tutorial program on Saturday 5th and Sunday morning 6th April. See  
> details at http://www.ausweb.scu.edu.au/aw08/conf/workshops.html  
> and http://www.ausweb.scu.edu.au/aw08/conf/tutorials.html
> Regards,
> The AusWeb Team

antonybbarry at gmail.com

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