[LINK] Computerized medical diagnostic interpretation

stephen at melbpc.org.au stephen at melbpc.org.au
Sun Apr 13 03:10:14 AEST 2008

So a major player in the medical imaging field, (eg CAT, MRI, PET scans)
includes computer routines for, "individualized diagnostic interpretation"

Along with specialist (human) medical-test interpretation, a computerized 
analysis of CAT scans etc sounds just fine to me. I wonder if, when quick 
and cheap DNA scans become available shortly, the medical profession will 
be largely automated?

iNtuition Receives 2008 Frost & Sullivan Award for Technology Innovation  


TeraRecon (www.terarecon.com), a leading provider of advanced 
visualization solutions, today announced that it has received the Frost & 
Sullivan Award for Technology Innovation relating to its Aquarius 
iNtuition™ advanced visualization solution .. 

The Frost & Sullivan 2008 Award for Technology Innovation recognizes 
Aquarius iNtuition as an outstanding, unique and innovative technology 
contribution to the medical imaging field. 

"Aquarius iNtuition is an innovation which impacts not only the diagnostic 
interpretation of volumetric medical imaging examinations, but the 
entire 'downstream' enterprise that requires access to such information," 
said Robert Taylor, Ph.D., TeraRecon president and chief operating 

Aquarius iNtuition™ provides an integrated and comprehensive platform for 
the management, processing, interpretation and distribution of large 
medical imaging examinations from Multi-detector CT, MRI, PET, and various 
other imaging modalities. 

The system provides for a highly efficient, seamless and unified workflow 
that begins upon the acquisition of images, continues through automated 
pre-processing, automated preparation for interpretation by a specialist, 
individualized diagnostic interpretation, web distribution of rich 
interactive results to referring physicians and their patients, rapid 
access by surgeons or interventionalists, and provides these functions via 
seamless API and URL integration to the widest range of leading PACS and 
patient reporting environments. 

Aquarius iNtuition leverages VolumePro™ technology, the most powerful 
volumetric rendering technology available for medical imaging 
applications, and AquariusNET™ Servers to provide the client-server 
rendering architecture. The Aquarius iNtuition platform delivers more 
rendering power and more clinical tools to more thin client locations 
across the enterprise, thereby enabling a higher standard of patient care 
and greater workflow efficiency at significantly reduced cost. 


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