[LINK] Microsoft Live Mesh

stephen at melbpc.org.au stephen at melbpc.org.au
Thu Apr 24 01:54:22 AEST 2008

Microsoft Reveals a Web-Based Software System 

By JOHN MARKOFF www.nytimes.com
Published: April 23, 2008

SAN FRANCISCO — Microsoft is preparing to take its most ambitious step yet 
in transforming its personal computer business into one tied more closely 
to software running in remote data centers .. Microsoft 'Live Mesh' .. its 
Web-based data storage and software system .. Microsoft’s late entry into 
a rapidly growing market described as cloud computing ..“software plus 
services.” ..

Live Mesh Tech Preview: <https://www.mesh.com/Welcome/LearnMore.aspx>

Cheers people
Stephen Loosley
Victoria, Australia

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