[LINK] Microsoft Live Mesh

Craig Sanders cas at taz.net.au
Thu Apr 24 09:33:48 AEST 2008

On Thu, Apr 24, 2008 at 09:00:20AM +1000, Stilgherrian wrote:
> On 24/4/08 8:45 AM, "Richard Chirgwin" <rchirgwin at ozemail.com.au> wrote:
> > All too often, users are told to treat "cool factor" as more important
> > than things like consumer protection.
> It's been interesting to watch the vastly different reaction here on Link
> with the (mostly) very positive reaction amongst the alpha geeks in my
> circle of friends on Twitter.

yes, well, there's your explanation.

gross, but mostly accurate, generalisation follows:

Twitter is the lowest form of blogging, with everything worthwhile about
blogging removed, and all the most annoying things about instant
messaging added.

it is basically just an avenue for vacuous people to instantly spew
every trivial thought that flitters through their minds. people don't
need more communications tools. they need to learn how to shut up. and
how to think before opening their mouths.

learning to think before forming an opinion would be a good idea too.
but that's probably way too much to hope for, i'll settle for people
learning how to shut up.


craig sanders <cas at taz.net.au>

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