[LINK] Microsoft Live Mesh

Rick Welykochy rick at praxis.com.au
Thu Apr 24 10:08:57 AEST 2008

Jan Whitaker wrote:

> Before it would work, I was advised I need .NET 
> framework. I had no idea what that was. Fortunately, I was at a computer 
> club interest group and could ask. My initial concern, that it was 
> another MS snooping control method, was pretty much answered, but then I 
> found out it was a 200mb bloatware set of programs! My response then was 
> what planet do these developers live on?

In the case of .NET, it is called planet NoJava.

MS and Sun fell out over Java and what MS was doing to it.

So MS took its bat and ball and went back to the lab. They created a new
language that is remarkably like Java and C++, called C#. They then
created a new networking and web framework that replaces that provided
by the Java runtime.

Voila. A bloated 200MB+ development and runtime environment that
only works on Windows. Yes, there are some attempts like Mono to
bring this environment to the rest of the world, but I have not
tracked how successful they are.

I did have a google of ".net vulnerability" and found over 1/2 million

When one reinvents a computing wheel, once can expect many flaws
and security issues to emerge before the state of perfection is reached.

As for Live Mesh? No thanks. Like many Linkers, the thought of putting
my own data, my company data or worse still my clients' data up on someone
else's server, MS or anyone, is too dreadful to contemplate.

There was a very interesting and accurate rundown this morning on RN
of the current state of Windows (Vista == abysmal). MS seems to be losing
the plot in the OS platform environment with overkill, more and more bugs
and an unceasing stream of security problems.

The latest problem: Vista pops up so many Internet Driver Alert warning
dialogues that people are now just hitting the OKAY button automatically.
This is the MS attempt to shore up their leaky OS. Instead of actually
fixing the leaky boat.


Rick Welykochy || Praxis Services || Internet Driving Instructor

We like to think of ourselves as the Microsoft of the energy world.
      -- Kenneth Lay, former CEO of Enron

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