[LINK] The Register on eBay / Paypal

Gordon Keith gordonkeith at acslink.net.au
Tue Apr 29 08:41:55 AEST 2008

On Mon, 28 Apr 2008 06:21:51 pm Richard Chirgwin wrote:
> The thesis is that a "Paypal only" rule facilitates fraud, because it
> makes it more difficult for the buyer to revoke a charge for goods not
> delivered... 

Just before eBay came out with the Paypal only idea I had decided that I would 
no longer buy from PayPal only sellers.

My reason is that in my limited experience, PayPal only is the surest 
indication of an overseas site. Any seller I purchased from who was PayPal 
only was based overseas, whether or not they claimed so in the item 
description (some did claim to be Australian). Every seller who offered other 
payment means was based in Australia.

Not based on a statistically valid sample, but that was my conclusion.



Gordon Keith

Religion and natural science are fighting a joint battle
in an incessant, never relaxing crusade against
scepticism, against dogmatism, against disbelief and 
against supersitition. The rallying cry in this crusade
has always been, and will always be "On to God!"
     - Max Planck - quantum physicist

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