[LINK] The Register on eBay / Paypal

Marghanita da Cruz marghanita at ramin.com.au
Tue Apr 29 09:01:06 AEST 2008

Also of relevance might also be
> The risk of criminal exploitation of online auctions
> Payment security
> Individuals can take action to reduce the risks of fraud by choosing safer payment options, including credit cards and online payment services such as PayPal, that offer some form of consumer protection. Buyers should avoid using instant wire transfers or any purportedly independent third party escrow payment services. There have been cases reported where escrow payment services are controlled by dishonest buyers/sellers to commit frauds. Individuals can also take steps to protect their passwords and other personal information to prevent identity theft.

Richard Chirgwin wrote:
> Linkers,
> An interesting angle on the e-Bay / Paypal issue:
> http://www.theregister.co.uk/2008/04/24/kewney_efraud_column/
> The thesis is that a "Paypal only" rule facilitates fraud, because it 
> makes it more difficult for the buyer to revoke a charge for goods not 
> delivered... The conclusion of the article:
>> I have a question for eBay: if you are out to help reduce crime, 
>> fencing (dealing in stolen goods), and scams, one thing you could do 
>> is accept credit card payments. Why won't you? And why won't you work 
>> with consumer-help groups like e-Victims?
>> I'm not saying this would solve the problem overnight, but I am 
>> suggesting that it would help your image a lot if you stopped doing 
>> things which are inevitably going to be perceived as crook-friendly. 
>> And it's not just eBay - it is probably just the most prominent.
>> I'm not suggesting anybody is doing anything crooked at any of these 
>> "auction" sites. I am saying that they face a real PR problem if they 
>> don't make it a lot more obvious that they are aware of the scams and 
>> prepared to be whiter than white about how they clamp down on them.
> RC
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Marghanita da Cruz
Phone: (+61)0414 869202

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