[LINK] Security efforts hindered by untrained users

Jan Whitaker jwhit at melbpc.org.au
Thu Jan 31 17:33:43 AEDT 2008

At 08:53 AM 31/01/2008, Howard Lowndes wrote:
>>>What you have to remember is that the user doesn't see 'Ok' or 'Cancel'
>>>they just see one button that says:
>>>"Press this to make it work."
>>That, Sir, is EXACTLY the best way of putting it!
>Easily fixed.  Put a large Cancel button in the same obvious place 
>on the screen, and the minuscule OK button randomly hidden elsewhere.

But there is a problem with this. Are you saying OK to I agree with 
the words in the box, which may be worded: allow this to happen OR 
this is bad so I'm going stop this before you screw yourself. A 
blanket OK or Cancel, assuming the message is the reverse meaning, 
won't help anyone. Cancel may merely cancel the nag box and allow the 
process to continue.

What I love are the jokes I've seen where the nag box says something like:
The action you just requested will destroy your harddrive:
OK      Continue



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Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
jwhit at janwhitaker.com
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