[LINK] Innovative Ideas Forum 2008, NLA, Canberra, 10 April 2008

Tom Worthington Tom.Worthington at tomw.net.au
Thu Mar 20 14:24:47 AEDT 2008


>... Registration is now open for the 2008 Innovative Ideas Forum at the
>National Library on April 10, 9.00am - 4.30pm.  ...
>Attendance at the Forum is free, and lunch and teas are provided.  ...

The program:

Morning - chair Monica Berko

9.00am Welcome

9.10am Professor Gerard Goggin (Professor of 
Digital Communication, University of New South Wales)
Topic: The Internet and the Mobile Phone: Histories, Possibilities, Challenges

10.00am Kris Carpenter Negulescu ( Internet Archive )
Topic: Digital Services and Online Research: The 
Future of Who does What and For Whom
Today institutions around the globe struggle with 
the daunting task of archiving and maintaining 
for future generations a record of the Web –the 
social, economic, cultural and scientific 
heritage of nations, states/provinces, academic 
disciplines, and other communities of 
interests—and with the large-scale digitization 
of traditional materials. How can/should current 
policies, partnerships and best practices, 
allocation of funds and/or research investments 
shape the future of digital services, i.e. what 
is provided, who is a provider, and for which 
audiences? This talk attempts to explore the 
current trends and considerations that could hold 
the most influence over this future.

10.50-11.20 Morning tea

11.20am Richard Walis (TALIS)
Topic: Beyond Web 2.0 -The Continuing Journey
Is Web 2.0/Library 2.0 just about rounded corners 
on your web site, links to Amazon, sharing tags 
with your fellow patrons, and the Library 
Director’s blog? These developments have led to a 
welcome opening up of libraries, their systems, 
and the minds of the librarians that run them.
Have we reached a destination on a road of 
innovation or are these just symptoms of the 
journey? The benefits of what we are seeing are 
in general localised to individual libraries or 
services. It is only with the open sharing of the 
data produced by Web 2.0 features such as 
tagging, and building on the semantic 
relationships between library data, social 
networking add-ons, and other rich data sources 
across institutions, that the real benefits of 
Web 2.0 be realised - by then we will be 
utilizing Semantic Web technologies and probably be calling it Web 3.0.

LUNCH   12.10pm - 1.25pm
Afternoon - chair Margy Burn

1.25pm - 1.35pm Introduction to rapid prototyping 
for innovation projects at the NLA - Warwick Cathro

1.35pm - 2.20pm Steve McPhillips and Mark Triggs (National Library) - VuFind.
Alison Dellit (National Library) - NLA's single business prototype.
Library systems operate in a significantly 
different environment than they did a decade 
ago.  New technologies, new ways of thinking 
about information discovery and greater 
competition in the information space mean users 
have rapidly changing expectations of search 
services. This creates an uncertain environment 
for system development. In this presentation, we 
will discuss some of the National Library's 
experiences with using prototyping and rapid 
development techniques to build resource 
discovery systems that are more responsive to 
users' needs.  We will look at the National 
Library's new catalogue  prototype, which uses 
VuFind; and the "single business prototype”.
Douglas Elford (National Library) - What is the MediaPedia?

2.20pm - 3.00pm Stewart Wallace (Dictionary of Sydney)
Topic: Modelling and deploying urban history - 
Terms, Entities, Factoids, Graphs.
The Dictionary of Sydney is building a digital 
repository of text and multimedia related to 
Sydney's history. The repository is designed to 
facilitate a variety of deployments including 
web, mobile, RSS etc. In seeking the best method 
for connecting all these resources to Sydney's 
urban history, the Dictionary is developing an 
accompanying semantic model of Terms, Entities 
and 'Factoids' to create an extensible web of digital connections

3.00-3.30pm Afternoon tea

3.30pm - 4.00pm Julien Masanès (Director of the European Archive Foundation )
Topic: Next Generation web archiving methods
Julien will talk about the Living Web Archives 
(LiWA) project, a three-year project funded by 
the European Union. This project will carry Web 
archiving beyond the current approach, 
characterized by static snapshots, to one that 
fully accounts for the dynamics and 
interrelations of Web content. The result of 
LiWA's work will be a set of next generation Web 
archiving methods and tools making possible the 
creation and long-term usability of high-quality 
Web archives. Aspects of the project's research 
will focus on providing for the capture of the 
hidden Web, the filtering out of unwanted content 
through spam and trap detection, and addressing 
the temporal incoherence inherent in current Web 
capture methods and tools. The research will also 
address the rapid semantic and technological 
evolution of the Web in order to promote the 
long-term viability of Web archives.

4.00 - 430pm Gordon Mohr ( Chief Technologist for 
the Internet Archive's Web Archive )
Topic:Challenges on the horizon
The pace of innovation on the web demands 
constant attention from those who seek to record 
the discourse of the early 21st century. Gordon 
will speculate about these trends and how the 
Internet Archive is adapting its own techniques 
and constantly innovating to create tools to keep pace with these changes.

Tom Worthington FACS HLM tom.worthington at tomw.net.au Ph: 0419 496150
Director, Tomw Communications Pty Ltd            ABN: 17 088 714 309
PO Box 13, Belconnen ACT 2617                      http://www.tomw.net.au/
Adjunct Senior Lecturer, ANU 

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