[LINK] Wikis and Web collaboration for Government
Tom Worthington
Tom.Worthington at tomw.net.au
Thu Mar 20 09:10:53 AEDT 2008
>March Canberra WIPA/WSG meeting
>When: Thursday, 27 March 2008
>Time: 2.30 pm - 4.50 pm
>Where: NLA Theatre, lower ground floor, National Library of
>Australia, Parkes Place, Parkes, ACT 2600
>Cost: Free
>RSVP: Become a WSG member and RSVP at
>(essential for catering and to be eligible for door prizes)
>First speaker: Brian Stonebridge, Department Finance and Deregulation
>Topic 1: GovDex: a tool to support collaboration across government agencies
>Brian Stonebridge is Director of the Collaborative Services Team in
>the Department of Finance and Deregulation. He has worked for a
>number of years to develop collaborative tools aimed at promoting a
>more harmonised approach to the delivery of government services.
>Brian is also active in the standards space and participates in a
>range of international standards fora. He represents Australia at
>the United Nations Committee for the Facilitation of Commerce and Trade.
>Brian will talk about the opportunities for government agencies to
>use GovDex. GovDex is a resource developed to facilitate business
>process collaboration across policy portfolios and administrative
>jurisdictions. GovDex promotes effective and efficient information
>sharing, providing governance, tools, methods and re-usable
>technical components that government agencies can use to assemble
>and deploy information services on their different technology platforms.
>Second speaker: Michele Huston, National Library of Australia
>Topic 2: Wikis at work
>Michele Huston is the Director of Web Publishing at the National
>Library of Australia. Her group undertakes web design for the main
>web site, authoring support for staff and develops the interfaces
>for complex web-based systems for the management and delivery of the
>Library's collections. Michele has been working with the Internet
>for 15 years and is particularly interested in exploring ways that
>the Library can benefit from popular Internet applications. In
>addition to the wiki project that is the topic of this presentation,
>she has championed a collaboration that allows Flickr users to add
>photos to Picture Australia and a new catalogue that includes book
>reviews from Amazon and allows Library card holders to leave comments.
>Michele will talk about her experience implementing a wiki at the
>National Library of Australia. This talk may be of interest to you
>if you are considering incorporating a wiki at your work place to
>support various forms of collaborative activity. This is not a talk
>about the process of implementing a wiki, but is a case study on
>using a wiki to support the Library's extensive and varied
>collaboration activities. This wiki exercise did not start with a
>value proposition explained in business terms nor the assumption
>that users knew precisely what they wanted out of these tools. The
>wiki experience was a learning experience both for IT support and
>for the users. Michele is lucky enough to work at an organisation
>that isn't afraid of making a few (educational) mistakes! ...
Tom Worthington FACS HLM tom.worthington at tomw.net.au Ph: 0419 496150
Director, Tomw Communications Pty Ltd ABN: 17 088 714 309
PO Box 13, Belconnen ACT 2617 http://www.tomw.net.au/
Adjunct Senior Lecturer, ANU
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