[LINK] Bizarre lameness in Microsoft Excel 2002

Marghanita da Cruz marghanita at ramin.com.au
Thu Nov 6 10:54:22 AEDT 2008

David Lochrin wrote:
> On Thursday 06 November 2008 09:09, Marghanita da Cruz wrote:
>> My personal preference was Fortran for aggregating data with Lotus 123 
>> for graphs, over MSExcell 20 years ago. Now I rely on AWSTATS and 
>> sometimes use Open Office to analyse my site logs. I have ocassionally 
>> got a message about truncating the data because it exceeded the capacity. 
>> This was the problem with MSExcell 20 years ago but not for 123. Though 
>> I think this may be related to [computer] memory usage - Excell was 
>> Windows based and 123 ran on DOS. 
> OpenOffice V2.0.4 seems to handle 622-character text strings fine - I've just tried it.

It wasn't the fields it was truncating but the number of fields ie number of 
rows or columns or both.

> But ahh, Fortran!!  Fortran is still going strong, and there have been Fortran95 & Fortran2003 releases, and I think Fortran2008 is coming (or here already?).  It's now a thoroughly modern language and supports object-oriented code, recursive procedures, dynamic memory allocation, and all sorts of goodies.  There seems to be a good article in Wikipedia.
> David

Marghanita da Cruz
Phone: (+61)0414 869202

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