[LINK] More Telstra weirdness

David Boxall david.boxall at hunterlink.net.au
Fri Nov 14 11:55:23 AEDT 2008

> According to an internal memo leaked to iTnews, the CEPU – the union representing many Telstra staff – will start recruiting staff for the Optus-led Terria consortium, and publicly declared its support for Terria  ...
> The memo was sent to all Telstra staff by Michael Rocca, GMD, Telstra Networks and Services.
> Rocca describes the CEPU’s actions as “a very serious betrayal that will gravely disappoint people in all parts of our business”.

The CEPU covers workers in the telecommunications industry.  Why 
_wouldn't_ they be involved?

> Rocca slammed the CEPU for taking sides in the NBN debate.
> “It just beggars belief that the CEPU – which takes union fees from many of you every fortnight – is using your pay to mount a campaign to help your competition recruit, train and deploy workers and, at the same time, make it impossible for Telstra to build the NBN.”

The logic of that last assertion escapes me.

David Boxall                    |  In a hierarchical organization,
                                 |  the higher the level,
                                 |  the greater the confusion.
                                |                     --Dow's Law.

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