[LINK] More about iiNet suit - legal opinion on their side it seems

David Goldstein wavey_one at yahoo.com
Sun Nov 30 00:21:16 AEDT 2008

Here we go again... Frank misrepresenting what I said. I said I'm not entering the discussion of whether the head of Exetel was correct in what he said. Others made comment on that.

And I didn't say he was right. I said he has a valid point of view.

But I still say iiNet was the worse ISP of the few I have used. Waiting for half an hour for customer service at a bare minimum is pathetic.

So Frank, you can keep making your ill-informed and idiotic comments about me. Since you have no idea of who I am, keep making up the stories.

As for the way Yahoo handles emailing, you can live with it. Everyone else can.

From: Frank O'Connor <foconnor at ozemail.com.au>
To: David Goldstein <wavey_one at yahoo.com>
Cc: link at anu.edu.au
Sent: Thursday, 27 November, 2008 3:46:38 PM
Subject: Re: [LINK] More about iiNet suit - legal opinion on their side it  seems

Re: [LINK] More about iiNet suit - legal opinion on
Yo Dave,

At 5:43 PM -0800 on 26/11/08 you wrote:
Oh Frank, you are funny! See, my comment
was why was why shouldn't the head of Exetel have his own opinion.
Another poster said part of what he said was fact, the other opinion.
I'm not entering that discussion.

Ahhh ... good that you didn't enter into it. I suppose it was
those nasty fairies who typed:

>Since when was iiNet off-limits to
criticism.Of the 3 or 4 worst >ISPs I've
used in Australia, they are by far the worst. And why >isn't the
point made by Linton valid, at least to some

.... but maybe it was someone or something else who wrote

And Linton's 'point' as you put it was that iiNet should have
meekly caved to the demands of those third parties when they were made
- like Exetel did. Great precedent there Dave.

So if any pressure group says an ISP should do something, then it
should be done ... filter the Net, filter their customers, throttle it
back, lock out various content, censor religious views etc. All cool
with you?

Yeah ... you would see Linton's view as valid. (Hey, you were the
one who said so.)

And maybe you should read Frank. Jan
originally asked "What is Exetel doing bad-mouthing iiNet? Sour
grapes perhaps?" So is iiNet off-limits to you?

She asked that as an off-side .... that was why it was in
brackets. Rhetorical question, I'd say.

Nope iiNet's not off limits ... but in the context of this
discussion (which I pointed out invited comment on the film studios
efforts to get third parties and taxpayers to plug the various hole
sin their business models) comment on iiNet or any other ISP wasn't

And oh Frank, if only you knew anything.
Playing the man and not the ball. Now, maybe you should stick to the
discussion and not show the inadequacies in your arguments by
attacking me personally.

Dave, the issues were and and are:
a. To what extent ISP's can be regarded as publishers
b. To what extent ISP's (legally)  can and should police
their clientele
c. To what extent third parties like ISP's should be responsible
to plugging holes in the business models of other industries
d. To what extent those industries should conduct their own
policing and enforcement if they're not willing to change their
business models.
... and a number of other issues that proceed from them ...

I'm not exactly sure what " currying
up to the rich and powerful" has to do with questioning the right
of the head of Exetel to voice his opinion. Enlighten me.

Just a tendency to back to rich and powerful Dave .... fairly
uncritical of Microsoft, movie studios and big media interests.
Lauding bad product and standards. It's a trend I'm looking at

Never seen anything from you on behalf of the little guy. The
putz who pays for copyright or digital product and then is denied fair
use. The putz who has to front up with more moolah every time the same
copyright material is released on new media.

BTW. Dicky mailer you got there Dave .... Love the way it handles
the end of line formatting. Yahoo ... gotta love them. Can you turn
off those grotty end-of-line codes?

      Start your day with Yahoo!7 and win a Sony Bravia TV. Enter now http://au.docs.yahoo.com/homepageset/?p1=other&p2=au&p3=tagline

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