Kim Holburn kim at holburn.net
Tue Apr 7 15:44:08 AEST 2009

On 2009/Apr/07, at 7:03 AM, Sylvano wrote:
> And don't forget the promises from communications ministers, such as
> Coonan's from a while back:
> "Maintaining analogue television services and simulcasting
> television in both digital and analogue is expensive for
> both broadcasters and Australian taxpayers.
> It is also an inefficient use of spectrum which could
> otherwise be used to provide new broadcasting and
> communications services (e.g. digital radio,
> wireless broadband, other mobile and new television
> services)."

True but we had, I always believed, 27 analogue channels, not counting  
UHF.  I forget how many UHF channels we had because I seem to remember  
we only ever used one anyway for a long time.  (That's what used to be  
on our old TVs back in the day.)  I forget how many UHF channels we  
had because I seem to remember we only ever used one anyway for a long  
time.  Somehow the 3 commercial TV channels managed to convince  
everyone that the sky would fall if their advertising revenue got  
diluted with more channels than the 4 or 5 being actually used.

Didn't they convince one or more of the "communications" ministers  
that the five (or whatever) digital TV channels that fit into the  
spectrum space of one analogue channel must be used for one digital HD  
channel not divided up into five separate digital channels?

> http://www.archive.dcita.gov.au/__data/assets/file/0006/53556/Digital_Action_Plan_web.rtf

Kim Holburn
IT Network & Security Consultant
Ph: +39 06 855 4294  M: +39 3494957443
mailto:kim at holburn.net  aim://kimholburn
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