[LINK] google spam

stephen at melbpc.org.au stephen at melbpc.org.au
Wed Apr 8 02:00:03 AEST 2009

Why is it impossible aparently, for any non-Gmail account holder
to report spamming by a Google account holder directly to Google?


Google: "Reporting spam outside the US: If you are located outside the 
United States, please use the appropriate contact information to report 
spam to your local authorities:" (follows six countries & not Australia)

One would think a company offering free email MUST offer prominent pages 
to report abuse. Maybe i can't find it, and that's the point. i 'dislike'
Gmail, and the whole Google Docs cloud, with a passion i have to say. In
terms of personal-privacy, Google STINKS compared with say, www.zoho.com

Terrible name, GREAT cloud, eg, NYTmes review, 'Zoho Writer dusts GDocs'

Anyway, to the matter at hand, how do you tell Google they're spamming?

From:   "Paul Lockett" <paul.lockett53 at gmail.com> 
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 Date:   Tue, 7 Apr 2009 07:01:29 -0400 
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From: "Paul Lockett" <paul.lockett53 at gmail.com>
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I await your "Acceptance Letter"...(07/04/09)


I wish to notify you that you were listed as a beneficiary to an 
Inheritance totalling sum of £8,600,000.00GBP (Eight Million, Six Hundred
Thousand British Pounds) in the codicil and last testament of the
deceased.(Name now withheld. I am contacting you because you bear the
surname identity of the deceased and therefore can present you as the
beneficiary to the inheritance.

I therefore reckoned that you can receive these funds as you are
qualified by your name identity. All the legal papers will be processed
on your acceptance. In your acceptance of this deal, I request that you
kindly forward to me your letter of acceptance; your current telephone
and fax numbers and a forwarding address to enable us file necessary
documents at the High Court Probate Division for the release of this sum
of money to you.

If per adventure, you deem it fit to be part of this great promising 
venture, please indicate your interest via my personal email address: 

lockett.paul72 at gmail.com

Yours faithfully,
Paul Lockett

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