[LINK] Google blocked my blog thinking it spam

Brenda Aynsley bpa at iss.net.au
Tue Apr 21 15:01:06 AEST 2009

Tom Worthington wrote:

> I have 
> r<http://www.blogger.com/unlock-blog.g?lockedBlogID=16502818&saved=false>equested 
> an unlock review to say it isn't. Otherwise they will delete the blog 
> within 20 days. The issue is with automated blogs which simply take 
> some content from somewhere and paste it into a blog. It is not clear 
> to me how Google could mistake my hand made blog, complete with 
> spelling mistakes, for such an automated system.
> I was going to post about the ACS PC Recycling SIG 
> <http://www.aaarecycling.com.au>.

and url mistakes :).  It's actually www.sa.acs.org.au/pc_rec_sig

but thanks for the plug Tom, much appreciated.


Brenda Aynsley, FACS, PCP, HLM, ACCE Associate
Director Community Affairs Board, Australian Computer Society
Immediate Past Chairman ACS SA Branch www.acs.org.au/sa
Director Oz Business Partners http://www.ozbusinesspartners.com/
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