[LINK] Tony pulls it off!

Bernard Robertson-Dunn brd at iimetro.com.au
Wed Dec 2 09:50:47 AEDT 2009

Ivan Trundle wrote:
>> Well, we do & soon will have significant and certainly widening choices 
>> regarding energy savings.
> My main beef with all of these schemes and ideas is that it does not address the primary issue: the way in which we consume materials and energy.
> It's great to see better efficiencies in all things, but our desire to consume more is the root of the problem.
> Our society does not yet frown on profligacy, and so our consumption habits will grow as our population grows.
... and that's the real problem - growth.

Our policy makers are influenced too much by lawyers and economists. 
Lawyers don't have a clue about how anything works, they just help write 
rules and regulations.

What limited understanding economists have is confined to growth, they 
can't cope with contraction and death - which in the real world happen 
just as often. Its called a life-cycle.

The only way to avoid the catastrophe that will result from constant 
growth is to stop population growth, and preferably move to population 
reduction. But that's a scenario that's off the radar of just about 


Bernard Robertson-Dunn
Canberra Australia
brd at iimetro.com.au

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