[LINK] ACS website

Ivan Trundle ivan at itrundle.com
Wed Dec 16 10:48:18 AEDT 2009

On 16/12/2009, at 10:11 AM, Pilcher, Fred wrote:

> Ivan wrote: 
>> The only detail that has been missed is the 'Send to a 
>> friend' text which should sit alongside the graphic envelope: 
>> it fits in Safari on Mac, but misses the mark entirely in 
>> Firefox and in Webkit on the iPhone - the div class 
>> 'UtilityLinksItem' and nested 'UtilityLnk' are too narrow to 
>> fit the text, so it drops to the next line.
> I also see in the pale blue menu headers: "Information for" and
> "Information for Non". Both are truncated.

That's interesting. Not in my (Mac) Safari or (Mac) Firefox, or iPhone. The second line completes the phrase in both. Odd, since you should see the second line in all of the 'buttons'.

Shame that 'Non Residents' isn't hyphenated, but I'm a card-carrying member of the Society of the Lost Art of Hyphenation.

Mind you, the editor in me tells me that the ampersand should be on the second line for all buttons, not the first.


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