[LINK] Internet enhanced meetings for post-Copenhagen

Ivan Trundle ivan at itrundle.com
Wed Dec 23 12:11:34 AEDT 2009

On 23/12/2009, at 11:26 AM, Marghanita da Cruz wrote:

> Actually, collaborative  discussion
> and decision-making is much
> better done electronically,
> Physical Meetings provide other
> social value.

Interesting view: in my professional experience, I've seen the opposite occur more often than not. 

I use (and sell) collaborative meeting technology on a daily basis in my work life, and I'd have to say that the word 'social' is a very loaded value, and is interpreted very differently by many. My use of 'social' in the previous discussion related to web 2.0 and the use of online social tools such as facebook and twitter.

In more-structured meetings, much depends on purpose and desired outcomes - and the use of electronic methods (ignore the web 2.o moniker) whilst actually sitting face-to-face offers the best of both worlds, imho.

The best decisions that I've seen are ones where people are seen in reality, and where electronic collaboration supports the actual people involved.


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