[LINK] Largest Facebook group in Australia?

Rick Welykochy rick at praxis.com.au
Wed Jan 7 14:09:48 AEDT 2009

grove at zeta.org.au wrote:

> The designers "get it".   The marketing foofoos "don't want it". They 
> want the user to login and click through.   Clicks == revenue in the 
> eyes of the foofoo.   When the page stats come up each month,
> the foofoos want to say "we had 21 million impressions", with 48% being 
> return visitors" and so on.    There is no payoff in email as it 
> involves energy and expense with no ROI - you can't really tell if 
> someone got that email or read it, so there is no log of any 
> "impressions" or interaction with the site so they need to tease the 
> user to return.

I must stand corrected. As Matthew just pointed out, Facebook for one
does include the text of the "writing on the wall" in the email note.
I just checked on I've had. I think the problem in that particular
instance was I saw red when I got Yet Another Facebook Email and did
not see the message.

Nonethless, I agree with your observations in the main. There is little
benefit of making things easy for the user. Better to shove them through
a cyberscape littered with ads and animations and other contrivances in
an effort to grab some eye-share.

Your observations on the blogosphere and forums are poignant. The web in
that regard is rapidly changing from a once reliable and contiguous data
store to a flakey here-today gone-tomorrow medium. Yes, I know there are
exceptions, but it is quite painful when it directly affects your own
research into a problem. I cannot even recall how many times I've run
into dead ends of late because blogs and fora have "archived" (read "hidden")
older postings.


Rick Welykochy || Praxis Services

Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes clean to the bone.
      -- Dorothy Parker

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