[LINK] FW: Customers Sued for Sharing Access to Website

Eric Scheid eric.scheid at ironclad.net.au
Tue Jan 13 09:13:08 AEDT 2009

> Customers Sued for Sharing Access to Website
>    A suit filed by CoStar Realty Information alleges that managers at New
> York's Dumann Realty illegally accessed CoStar's Web site, a subscription to
> which costs hundreds of dollars a month and provides clients with real estate
> information such as photos and vacancy databases, by borrowing another
> customer's user information. CoStar is accusing Dumann, as well as the alleged
> co-conspirators who lent it the account, of copyright infringement.

> http://www.law.com/jsp/article.jsp?id=1202427107316

copyright infringement?!?


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