[LINK] Full steam ahead for the green and gold

stephen at melbpc.org.au stephen at melbpc.org.au
Tue Jan 13 22:52:03 AEDT 2009

Steve writes,

> .. computers don't emit CO2 -- power stations do! .. the core issue
> is greenhouse control: the urgent transition to non-carbon emitting
> power generation on a national scale. Cheers, Steve Wilson.

And it's full steam ahead, for the green and gold, with good government :)


(One of four companies) Geodynamics Limited has acquired a substantial  
Australian land base for HDR development. 

>From their calculations, they estimate that nine cubic kilometres of hot 
granite at 250 degrees C has the stored energy equivalent of 40 million 
barrels of oil. 

Geodynamics .. have verified 400,000 petajoules of high grade thermal 
energy, large bodies of granite to exist and the required temperature
of 250 degree C for power generation. 

Geodynamics' long term production model supports a generating capacity
of more than 10,000 MW. 

Their 1 MW pilot plant is tentatively scheduled for production Q4 2008. 

Proof of Concept certification, to demonstrate the viability of heat 
extraction from the hot rock reservoir and a confirmation of geothermal 
reserves, will be signed off prior to start-up by a team of independent 
geothermal experts from the USA. 

** Their 50 MW power plant is scheduled for production in 2012. It will 
produce ZERO emissions, require NO external water supply, and provide
a continuous source of electricity to 50,000 Australian households **

Geodynamics estimates that it can produce power at  $62 per MWh, 
including capital, operating and maintenance costs. 

This is considerably lower than current wind technology of ~$80 per MWh, 
and has the added advantage of continuous operation. 

The company expects to eventually drill 37 wells and build a 300MWe plant 
that would feed into the national grid and produce electricity at a cost 
that would rival new entry coal-fired power plants. (End of article)

Cheers Steve
Stephen Loosley
Victoria, Australia

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