[LINK] History of the CD Re: creatives angry about copyrestricted DVDs

Marghanita da Cruz marghanita at ramin.com.au
Wed Jan 14 10:25:14 AEDT 2009

Ivan Trundle wrote:
> On 13/01/2009, at 10:05 AM, matthew at sorbs.net wrote:
>> every CD I buy now
>> must show the Phillips owned "Compact Disk" logo, or I do not buy it.
> No wonder you're having trouble... The company name is 'Philips' and  
> the copyrighted logo has 'Compact disc' inscribed on it, and was the  
> original format of digital audio discs (which have an interesting  
> history in themselves: thanks to Beethoven, we now have 120mm discs,  
> not 100mm - so the story goes).
> The technology was developed by Sony and Philips, after joint  
> development work in the late 1970s. Philips focussed primarily on the  
> manufacturing process, whilst Sony contributed mostly to the error  
> correction methodology. Which is rather ironic.

The CD has to be one of my all time favourite products. I bought my first Sony 
discman in 1985, in Singapore. Unfortunately, I don't have it anymore as it and 
its replacement were nicked in 2 burglaries. My current model is designed for a 
vehicle...the forerunner to CD players in cars (Fortunately, I haven't been 
burgled for a while and probably no one would be interested in this "retro" device).

In 1985, the choice  of content was limited and my collection started with Simon 
and Garfunkle Collction (made by CBS/Sony in Japan printed in Holland ) and a 
"Digital Recording" by Deutsche Gramaphone of Mahler's songs of the earth. A 
short time later a colleague passed on their set of a digital recording of 
Mahler's 9th.

I also recall lots of debate about the quality of the sound. The simon and 
garfunkle was obviously an Analog recording and came with instructions on how to 
use a CD. The Mahler included a description of three formats - DDD, ADD and AAD 
and was made in germany by polygram.

Then a few years later computer documentation was being distributed on CDROM. I 
am still amazed by the interoperability of the CD format. And today photographs 
are being exchanged and stored on CD.

Marghanita da Cruz
Phone: (+61)0414 869202

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