[LINK] History of the CD Re: creatives angry about copyrestricted DVDs

Adrian Chadd adrian at creative.net.au
Wed Jan 14 11:44:01 AEDT 2009

On Wed, Jan 14, 2009, Marghanita da Cruz wrote:

> Don't mean to get you started, but my positive experience with Photos on CD 
> is just a few days old.


> The photos in question are super high resolution each around 4MB of JPEG! 
> The CD was made on what I guess was a laptop running on XP and I could read 
> them fine on my Laptop running 4 year old linux! The CD also worked well 
> for a slide show on a giant monitor connected to a PC!

Whereas I had to grab the CD from my girlfriend and read the files using my
iBook because it:

* wasn't readable in Windows, unless
* you installed their photo application to read the CD.

It was a very "what the hell?!" moment.


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