[LINK] Windows 7 Beta available

Michael Skeggs mike@bystander.net mskeggs at gmail.com
Wed Jan 14 18:20:42 AEDT 2009

I haven't tried it, but I gather there was some internal acceptance at
MS that Vista was a dud. The two areas mentioned frequently are poor
driver support and irritating security pop ups every time yo make a
change (install software, change settings etc.).
I believe Windows 7 will address these, keeping the existing driver
architecture, and improving the security model.
>From what I have read it has a bunch of changes that are pleasing to
the usability folks, and the hardware requirements are no higher that
for Vista.
As for the upgrade path on the Beta, this is for an upgrade only. You
can do a clean install, and I also suspect the final release will
support XP (and probably Win2k) upgrades.
Michael Skeggs

2009/1/14 Brenda Aynsley <bpa at iss.net.au>:
> stephen at melbpc.org.au wrote:
>> The Windows 7 Beta only supports Windows Vista SP1 to Windows 7 upgrades.
>> So if you intend to do an upgrade – be sure it is on a PC running Windows
>> Vista with Service Pack 1. We are not yet announcing anything regarding
>> finalized upgrade paths for Windows 7.
> Which current MS users are the most likely to use this version of
> windows once released?
> I would have thought it was those who have held out from making the move
> to Vista so why isnt Microsoft targetting WinXP users to give them a
> taste of what is to come and if Vista is somewhat similar to windows 7
> perhaps encourage them via the beta to upgrade to vista whilst waiting
> for windows 7 to be ready for release in 2010/2011.
> Why would Vista users be interested in a time limited beta if Vista is
> so great?
> Me thinks they got it really wrong this time or are at the very least
> now acknowledging the disappointment of the market with Vista.
> Could it be they are responding somewhat to the opportunities for their
> loyal clients to jump ship to viable alternative Operating System
> platforms eg OSX and linux?
> cheers
> brenda
> --
> Brenda Aynsley, FACS, PCP, HLM
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> Immediate Past Chairman ACS SA Branch www.acs.org.au/sa
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