[LINK] gps on kids...

Richard Chirgwin rchirgwin at ozemail.com.au
Fri Jan 16 16:30:33 AEDT 2009

Marghanita da Cruz wrote:
> Richard Chirgwin wrote:
>> However, in a properly FOSS attitude, those who have the devices could
>> always capture and publish where they've been ... I'd bet with not much
>> effort a good cycleway map would emerge pretty quickly. Just as long as
>> you don't let it near the Openstreetmap guys, who (sorry for dumping a
>> bucket on a popular project) don't much care about data quality ...
>> (I often wonder why more people don't put their GPS tracks on the
>> Internet. For example, bushwalkers. Once you've been to Mount Sol with a
>> GPS, there's no reason not to share the file ...)
> Part of bushwalking used to be map reading, land marks and deciding on
> your route. It is the paths and landmarks not the route that you want
> to know about.
It still is ... I don't go on anything but trivial walks without a topo
in the bag.

Even so, most people find a topographic map somewhat intimidating,
especially if you've gotten away from where you thought you were... I
wouldn't position any GPS as making map-reading redundant. But it would
be a nice addition to sharing walks. For eg: I could (and probably soon
will) publish GPS tracks of recent walks, identifying places where the
instructions in popular walks books are confusing or incorrect. I just
need to get the little handheld GPS talking to the Linux box...

> I have had a go at "publishing" three walks on Google Maps, which
> should be acceessible on hand held (or bicycle mounted) devices.
> <http://maps.google.com.au/maps/user?uid=110241308026236585465&hl=en&gl=au>
> A GPS enabled device would automatically position the map to where you
> are.
>> BTW, Michael, if you want a bit of a laugh, go to Google Maps - US not
>> Australia - and run the search:
>> from: ballarat to: sydney australia
>> Take particular note of Step 19 ...
>> RC
>> Michael Skeggs mike at bystander.net wrote:
>>> What chance the GPS map would show the cycle route? More likely it
>>> would direct you to the nearest freeway for the 'quickest' route.
>>> Regards,
>>> Michael Skeggs
>>> 2009/1/16 Antony Barry <tony at tony-barry.emu.id.au>:
>>>> On 14/01/2009, at 6:22 PM, Birch Jim wrote:
>>>>> FTR I don't have a GPS and I don't want one.  One thing I do know
>>>>> is people are very often stupid.  I love figuring out the route
>>>>> myself
>>>>> and like knowing that I can adapt.
>>>> Ditto BUT I cycle in Canberra which has an extensive network of off-
>>>> road cyclepaths and footpaths which mainly run through parkland and
>>>> very, very little signage. When riding in a new area I sometime find
>>>> myself say "where the f**k am I?" and have to diverge from the path
>>>> to find a road sign so I can consult a map. A GPS would be nice which
>>>> showed me a "you are here" marker . Having to backtrack a few km
>>>> because you chose the wrong fork in the path is annoying. Yes there
>>>> IS a cyclepath/footpath map but it seems not every little path is
>>>> shown clearly.
>>>> Tony
>>>> phone : 02 6241 7659  | mailto:tony at Tony-Barry.emu.id.au
>>>> mobile: 04 3365 2400  | mailto:tony.barry at alianet.alia.org.au
>>>> http://tony-barry.emu.id.au
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