[LINK] car computers

David Boxall david.boxall at hunterlink.net.au
Sat Jan 17 10:56:52 AEDT 2009

At 9:37 AM Jan Whitaker wrote:
>  ...
>  The 200C created quite a stir ...
>  ... it can do almost everything, except drive itself.

Autopilot: I like that idea.  Just tell the car where you want to go, 
then sit back and admire the scenery.

Could give the shortcomings of GPS navigation software new 
significance.  Not to mention the Blue Screen of Death.
David Boxall                         | "Cheer up" they said.
                                     | "Things could be worse."
                                     | So I cheered up and,
                                     | Sure enough, things got worse.
                                     |              --Murphy's musing

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