[LINK] accessibility law suit

Peter Bowditch peter at ratbags.com
Tue Jan 20 16:38:16 AEDT 2009

> Jan quote:
> >A Brisbane man is taking budget airline Virgin Blue to court over 
> claims its website unfairly discriminates against people with visual 
> impairments.
> These an interesting article on Coding Horror about the benefit of
> Firefox 3 zoom over other browsers font sizing.  Interesting to me
> anyway, since I didn't know this change had occurred.  FF3 bumps the
> size of all elements - fonts, graphics, floats, etc - with the Ctrl+
> Ctrl- Ctrl0 keys.  This actually works pretty well with modern websites
> unlike the old font size shifts that produce a garbled page within a
> couple of controlplusses.
> Maybe Mr Kerr needs to move to FF3.

Or perhaps even to IE7, which does exactly the same thing with the same 
key combinations.

> Maybe Virgin Blue should state "This site is best viewed with Firefox
> 3."  I haven't tested virginblue.com.au in any detail but on a brief
> check it looks ok zoomed.
> http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/archives/001212.html
> Jim
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Peter Bowditch
The Millenium Project - http://www.ratbags.com/rsoles
Australian Council Against Health Fraud - http://www.acahf.org.au
Australian Skeptics - http://www.skeptics.com.au

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