[LINK] US porn 'scandal'

Richard Chirgwin rchirgwin at ozemail.com.au
Fri Jan 30 12:55:46 AEDT 2009

Rick Welykochy wrote:
> Jan Whitaker wrote:
>> The National Science Foundation is in the sights of one congressman 
>> for too much porn on company time.
> What is "too much" porn?
> Other workers can take punitive action in a number of jurisdictions
> including Australia, Canada and USA if they are exposed to "offensive"
> material under various sexual harassment legislations, although IANAL.
> No recreational porn should be allowed at the workplace. Researching
> porn? Fine! Producing porn? Fine? Working at the RTA? Not fine.
> Are you "researching porn? The question "Please explain!" will be asked!
> Then again, what is "too much" gambling?
> Employees should not be indulging in recreational activities such as
> online gambling, gaming, socialising, blogging, etc on company time
> unless it is required to get your work done.

Leaving aside the specifics of *what* the employee is doing (reading ./
or gambling or porn or shopping or checking the BOM to see if the rain's
coming ... etc), this might be regarded as lopsided.

Plenty of employers have no compunction whatever about invading their
staff's time at home; asking people for unpaid overtime; and fostering a
culture that says "going home before midnight is for wimps"; so why
should there be zero reciprocity regarding use of the Internet on
company premises?

> And is there a limit to shopping?
> Once again, unless the shopping is related to work, employees should
> not be partaking of the online marketplace during company time.
> Is it acceptable for employees to be using the internet recreationally
> during paid work time?
> cheers
> rickw

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