[LINK] Now, 300 million tonnes to burn

Antony Barry tony at tony-barry.emu.id.au
Sat Jan 31 08:06:40 AEDT 2009

On 29/01/2009, at 9:41 AM, stephen at melbpc.org.au wrote:

> My, aren't we lucky, 200 Million MORE tonnes of coal-gas to burn..  
> thanks
> heaps to Aussie 'Carbon Energy Ltd' for your wonderful  
> environmental work.

Apparently the carbon emissions from the coal we export when it is  
burnt exceeds ALL the emission from within Australia.


phone : 02 6241 7659  | mailto:tony at Tony-Barry.emu.id.au
mobile: 04 3365 2400  | mailto:tony.barry at alianet.alia.org.au

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