[LINK] Rather Fascinating study on Open Access

Anthony Hornby anthony.w.hornby at gmail.com
Fri Jul 10 20:34:01 AEST 2009

The Scholarly communication process won't drastically change unless
researchers see significant value to them directly from new approaches like
Open Access (OA) and funding bodies & employers start introducing OA deposit
mandates and rewarding OA publication in the same way they currently reward
publication in high status closed journals now.

Good news is value and change is being seen and the idea that OA offers
benefits is gaining traction. Bad news is that this is a complex system with
many entrenched positions and interests and with large $$$$$$$$$$$ involved
- so while it is moving it won't change overnight.

I am doing what I can to change attitudes and push an OA agenda at the
university where I work and I know this is happening at lots of others in
Australia and worldwide.

It is a very interesting time ;-)


On Jul 10, 2009 9:36 AM, "Marghanita da Cruz" <marghanita at ramin.com.au>

Anthony Hornby wrote: > > Hi Tom, > Forgot to say thanks for the link :-) >
> It is important to mak...

The main issue is that the research/evidence is available to be applied.

By way of example the contrast in two projects undertaken in my local area
stark - and to somewhat emphasise the point, the writeup of the successful
Communities" project, which was extended, is published and available freely.

Whereas the write up of the unsuccessful project
"Mangrove battlelines: culture/nature and ecological restoration" is locked
in a journal somewhere. Note, the first project was a local council with
funding, the second was by the Sydney City council (but also involved a
of state government agencies).

Though the evidence of the failed project is demonstrated by the photograph
walled in mangroves on the sydney harbour foreshore. Links to both research
papers and photograph of sad mangroves here:

So, when I submitted these two studies to The Government
2.0 Public Sphere wiki only one study will be available.

Marghanita da Cruz
Phone: (+61)0414 869202

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