[LINK] petition for multi-platform etax software

grove at zeta.org.au grove at zeta.org.au
Wed Jul 15 10:00:53 AEST 2009

On Wed, 15 Jul 2009, David Boxall wrote:

> For mine, it's past time to outlaw platform discrimination.
> Perhaps the government could even promote a locally-developed
> alternative (Red 'Roo Linux <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Flag_Linux>?).

The original Linux "slackware" mascot (before the boring penguins) was a Platypus,
which made far more sense.

As for the tax app, I gave up on that ages ago and let our accountant 
manage all that stuff for us now.

It is obvious the ATO is not interested and if they were, it would be a bloatacious 
piece of committee driven closed source rubbish.


> On Wed, 15 Jul 2009 at 03:52:11 +1000 Frank O'Connor wrote:
>> Hey Danny,
>> They've been saying they're gonna do it for the last 10 years ... 'in
>> due course', 'next year' and 'when it's possible' ... what more do
>> you want?
>> I mean these people have real problems just maintaining a version
>> that works on Windows XP and Vista ... I mean, if you have a Service
>> Pack installed it's highly likely that the ATO product will bomb.
>> Remember a few years back when Windows users were asked to downgrade
>> WIndows XP by a couple of Service Packs to get eTax compatibility?
>> Me? I've grown used to using the paper/snail mail alternative ... I
>> find it reassuring in todays fast paced world that my dealings with
>> the ATO will remain mired in the deep dark past for years to come.
>> If nothing else ... they are predictable.
>> 					Regards,
>> ---
>> At 6:24 PM +1000 14/7/09, Danny Yee wrote:
>>> There's an online petition at
>>> 	http://www.petitiononline.com/FreeEtax/
>>> asking that the ATO produce cross-platform etax software.

Rachel Polanskis                 Kingswood, Greater Western Sydney, Australia
grove at zeta.org.au                http://www.zeta.org.au/~grove/grove.html
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