[LINK] Oh, that evil Internet! (Link Digest, Vol 200, Issue 34)

Phillip Musumeci pmusumeci at gmail.com
Fri Jul 24 10:36:31 AEST 2009

Your questions are really good and maybe not just for research but also for
education.  I don't know if using questions to trigger reflection/thinking
in this area is already done but it might be a start.

Anyway, some form of your questions to help children be aware of the
different bullying sources followed by some questions asking them who can
help might be a way to boost awareness, especially of their sources of help.
 Another set of questions for parents might also remind them about what to
watch over, and might point them in directions for help (e.g. basic browser
settings, ISP settings, etc.).

If we can spend >=A$44M on filter "tests", maybe we can also produce some
appropriate flyers for parents and children.
Or maybe existing bullying responses need to be broadened to include
nastiness transported via mobile phone and IP technologies.


On Fri, Jul 24, 2009 at 8:43 AM, <link-request at mailman1.anu.edu.au> wrote:
> Message: 6
> Date: Thu, 23 Jul 2009 17:15:39 +0800
> From: Crispin Harris <crispin.harris at gmail.com>
> Subject: Re: [LINK] Oh, that evil Internet!
> To: Link <link at anu.edu.au>

> ~~~text cut~~~

> Disclaimer: I would like to do this research, but do not have the
> qualifications, access or facilities available to me.
> Sample research questions.
> 1) What proportion of young people report that they have been bullied?
> 2) How many of them report:
>  2.1) Physical Bullying
>  2.2) Non-Physical
>  2.3) Both Physical & Non-Physical
> 3) In the portion that report Non-Physical bullying, how many of them are
> (multiple answers are allowed):
>  3.1) Physically present Verbal bullying
>  3.2) Non-present verbal bullying (phone calls etc)
>  3.3) via Text messaging services (SMS, Twitter)
>  3.4) via Instant Messaging services (Yahoo, AIM, MSN etc)
>  3.5) via Social Networking & group-messaging services (Facebook, IRC,
> Myspace, fetlife, Wold of Warcraft or other online games)
> 4) With respect to WHO you is doing the bullying. Are they:
>  4.1) Age: Same, older, younger;
>  4.2) Sex: Same, Opposite.
>  4.3) In your social group? Outsiders?
> 5) Is the bullying repeated/sustained?
>  5.1) Does this differ in the different environments?
> On the other side:
> 6) Who helps you?
>  6.1) Parents
>  6.2) Siblings
>  6.3) Other family members
>  6.4) Friends
>  6.5) Teachers


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