[LINK] naked dsl

Ivan Trundle ivan at itrundle.com
Tue Mar 3 09:46:55 AEDT 2009

On 03/03/2009, at 9:20 AM, stephen at melbpc.org.au wrote:

> One can well imagine Telstra trying to duck line-maintenance in  
> future.

I've been running naked DSL for some time now, and although I pay my  
ISP to use the service, the technicians assure me that part of my fee  
goes to Telstra, and that it covers line maintenance. The line itself  
is managed by Telstra staff (including the last mile) and I've seen  
and talked to Telstra service staff on the rare occasion that service  
has been required. Apparently, they also technically own the DSLAM,  
even though I'm only paying my ISP (and *not* Telstra).

Ivan Trundle
http://itrundle.com ivan at itrundle.com
ph: +61 (0)418 244 259 fx: +61 (0)2 6286 8742 skype: callto://ivanovitchk

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