[LINK] Telstra to do SMS message

Marghanita da Cruz marghanita at ramin.com.au
Tue Mar 3 10:17:05 AEDT 2009

Bernard Robertson-Dunn wrote:
> stephen at melbpc.org.au wrote:
>> Even though this was the first Vic state-wide SMS elert (Telstra, 2:46pm,
>> from 61437985455, different to Jan's send number), it seems to have done
>> what it was intended to, but i wonder about a tenth/hundredth repitition.
> If the trial was to test the ability to send millions of mostly useless 
> text messages to people who already knew what to do (ie listen to the 
> radio) then it might have been a success.
> However, I heard on the radio this morning that what is needed is a 
> national emergency system that gets to those people who do not follow 
> the news via newspapers, radio or TV. Is it likely that these people 
> have mobiles?
> And secondly, my experience of the Canberra fires tells me that it is 
> very specific location information that is needed, on a street by street 
> basis, not a broadcast message telling me to listen to the radio, which 
> gave me no additional help anyway.

The point of the SMS seemed to be to tell people to tune into ABC Radio, by way
of preparation. In the event of an emergency being declared - this is he emergency
channel (there may even be/useful to have provisions for all stations to take the
same feed) for communication. It should be possible to in effect set up
transmitter specific local stations, then again, it wouldn't hurt for people
throughout victoria (or in your case the ACT/NSW/particular region) to hear he
specific information. Very localised Street by Street information is probably
best delivered by a loud hailer. Though ofcourse this all needs to be resourced
and those involved need to know their roles and for the [possibly 
infrastructure to be available.

> SMS and the web seem very unreliable and blunt weapons to use in these 
> circumstances.
> I still think that education and survival strategies/mechanisms broadly 
> aimed at a range of potential dangers is likely to be more productive.

The point of SMS and Web is to provide education/reference material.

Marghanita da Cruz
Phone: (+61)0414 869202

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