[LINK] technical question: security alert

Tom Koltai tomk at unwired.com.au
Thu Mar 5 19:31:09 AEDT 2009

> -----Original Message-----
> From: link-bounces at mailman1.anu.edu.au 
> [mailto:link-bounces at mailman1.anu.edu.au] On Behalf Of Adrian Chadd
> Sent: Thursday, 5 March 2009 11:13 AM
> To: Kim Holburn
> Cc: Link List
> Subject: Re: [LINK] technical question: security alert
> Hi.
> They can. And they do. And, if they're very nast, they'll 
> strip the proxy headers (Via, X-Forwarded-For, Squid's 
> X-Cache header, the bluecoat session header, etc) so you 
> don't even know whats going on.

Transparent Web Proxies huh ? What a good idea. I guess that's what an
ISP would do if they didn't want to be known as proxying content.
Kim - We were doing this in 1997 at OGN.

> > --
> > Kim Holburn
> > IT Network & Security Consultant
> Adrian
> ( (transparent) web proxy/cache developer.)

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