[LINK] Optus signup form - Popes need not apply

Peter Bowditch peter at ratbags.com
Wed Mar 11 14:06:36 AEDT 2009

Jan said:

> I hope folks who do datamatching don't kid themselves that all that
> much of it is factual.

I put my real month and day in my birthday field in Facebook, but 
apparently I'm 80 years old. I must be one of those non-existent tech-
savvy ancients.

I'm a bit disappointed that popes cant buy Optus, after last Saturday 


Peter Bowditch
The Millenium Project - http://www.ratbags.com/rsoles
Australian Council Against Health Fraud - http://www.acahf.org.au
Australian Skeptics - http://www.skeptics.com.au

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