[LINK] Ubuntu

stephen at melbpc.org.au stephen at melbpc.org.au
Fri Mar 13 02:42:10 AEDT 2009

Several months ago i gladly installed Ubuntu over a crashing Vista
on a new machine .. and, it just works .. everything works, camera,
card reader, DVD/CD burner .. with zero driver-downloads necessary.

And the Ubuntu desktop is just fine. I was, and am, most impressed.

There is one exception. Modems. Ubuntu probably sensibly, does not
like modems, has no modem drivers .. & it's rather a effort to get
one working with Ubuntu. But then, this probably lessens spam over
the world, so it's no big deal imho. But otherwise, the DVD distro
from my local computer shop does everything Windows does, and more.

Btw, apprently Ubuntu is pronounced all with oo sounds, Ooboontoo.

Btw2 my last post to Leah & Link was meant to be private. Ah well.


Kim writes,


> The Gendarmerie began its transition to open source software in 2005  
> when it replaced Microsoft Office with OpenOffice.org across the  
> entire organization. It gradually adopted other open source software  
> applications, including Firefox and Thunderbird. After the launch of  
> Windows Vista in 2006, it decided to phase out Windows and  
> incrementally migrate to Ubuntu.


> Since 2004, he says that the Gendarmerie has saved up to €50 million  
> on licensing and maintenance costs as a result of the migration  
> strategy. He believes that the move from Windows to Ubuntu posed  
> fewer challenges than the organization would have faced if it had  
> updated to Windows Vista.

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