[LINK] NBN just OPEL rebirthed (was Re: Ubuntu)

Martin Barry marty at supine.com
Fri Mar 13 11:55:51 AEDT 2009

$quoted_author = "stephen at melbpc.org.au" ;
> On another matter, as one who cannot get ADSL, or cable (even 3G mobile
> signal unless i'm standing on my front lawn, where-as CDMA worked fine,
> grrr!) i'm pissed at Telstra's cable offering. So it's another new-tech
> that country folk have no chance of getting, and that probably means we
> coutry folk will have to wait *longer* for anything but normal dial-up.
> Where i am we did have satellite, but the company went broke. But, hey,
> what do Telstra care about country folk? Might stand on the front lawn
> while i'm on dialup & phone them to complain. Nah, just wait for years.

In fact, I think the reverse is true. The current government ditched OPEL in
favour of their NBN plan, but with Telstra doing their best to make rolling
out FTTN in metro areas unviable (along with already be well served by
ADSL2+) will we see the plans reshaped so that it starts to look like OPEL


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